You can take a loan against Your policy once it has acquired a Surrender Value. The minimum policy loan can be Rs. 5,000 and the maximum 80% of the then applicable Surrender Value less any outstanding policy loan balance as on that date. On exercising this option, the Policy shall automatically get assigned to the Company to the extent of the outstanding Policy loan balance. The outstanding policy loan balance is an amount of loan still unpaid plus all accrued but unpaid loan interest up to the given date.
At any time during the Policy Term Where the policy is in-force (premium paying) or all due Instalment Premiums under the Policy have been paid and if the outstanding policy loan balance at any time is equal to or exceeds the then prevailing Surrender Value, the Company will inform You of the same with a 90-days advance notice to repay such outstanding Loan balance along with applicable interest.
If a Policy is a Reduced Paid-up Policy, on the date the outstanding policy loan balance exceeds the Surrender Value, ABSLI shall send a notice, 90 days in advance, to the You to repay the loan amount along with the interest. In case You fail to respond to the notice, the policy will be terminated.
Any payment of a proceed against Death, Survival, Maturity or Surrender Benefit shall be reduced by any outstanding policy loan balance at that time and the residual value is paid to the nominee or to You as the case may be. ABSLI shall be issuing the loan re-payment schedule at the time You opt for the loan against policy.
ABSLI shall declare the Loan Interest Rate applicable to all policies under this product on June 1st of every calendar year is equal to the base rate of the State bank of India plus 100 basis points (i.e. absolute 1%). The compound interest rate applicable as on June 1st, 2024 is 11.25% p.a.
Any change in basis of determination of interest rate for policy loan can be done only after prior approval of the IRDAI.