For more details on risk factors, terms and conditions, please read sales brochure before concluding the sale.
*Tax benefits are subject to changes in tax laws. Kindly consult your financial advisor for more detail.
#Provided all due premiums are paid.
¹ Annuitant -Health Male: Age 45 years invests in ABSLI Guaranteed Annuity Plus | Annuity Option: Deferred Life Annuity with Return of Premium | Premium payment term – Limited pay (5 years) | Purchase Price: Rs. 1,00,000/ month including modal loading for 5 years | Deferment period: 5 years Annuity Pay-out Frequency: Annual | Single life. Get Rs 4,09,292 /- (Exclusive of taxes) every year till annuitant is alive
2 Policy holder, aged 35 years invests Rs. 100,000 (excluding GST) in ABSLI Nishchit Pension Plan. He chooses Vesting Age - 60 years, Policy Term - 25 years, Premium Paying Term - 5 years, Premium Payment Mode: Annual
3Mr Sharma, Age:55 years, Non-smoker, invests Rs. 5 lakhs in ABSLI Saral Pension opting for Option 1 (Life Annuity with Return of 100% of Purchase price (ROP)). He chooses single pay option with annual payout frequency. He receives Rs. 28.881/- as survival benefit every year till his life starting from 1st policy anniversary.
ABSLI Guaranteed Annuity Plus Plan is a Non-Linked, Non-Participating, General Annuity Plan (UIN: 109N132V14).
ABSLI Nishchit Pension Plan is a non-linked non-participating individual pension plan. (UIN : 109N151V03)
ABSLI Saral Pension is a Non-Linked Non-Participating Single Premium Individual Immediate Annuity Plan. UIN: 109N130V01
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