Insurance is a legal contract between the two parties, insurance company (first party) and insured (second party). The contract is valid till the time the time premium is paid. An insurance policy promises to pay the insured compensation in case of occurence of death, loss, illness, or maturity as specified.
Insurance policy is your protection in case of any event that leads to a loss. Insurance is further divided into two sections, one is life insurance and the second is non-life insurance.
Types of life insurance policy.
Abha purchased two insurance policies one was term life insurance and second was fire insurance for her factory building.
Abha’s Rs.1crore term plan was to keep her family financially protected after she died. The policy term was 25 years. If anything happened to Abha during this time, the term life insurance policy will compensate her family with Rs.1 crore.
The fire policy covered her factory building; the total asset cost was Rs.1 crore. If anything would happen to the factory building due to the named 12 perils as mentioned in the fire policy, the claim will be paid. Insurance policy is to protect our savings and compensate for losses.
Buy ₹1 Crore Term Insurance at Just ₹508/month*
Exclusively For Salaried Individuals
4 Plan Options
Life Cover upto 70 years
Optional Accelerated Critical Illness benefit
Inbuilt Terminal Illness Benefit
Life Cover
₹1 crore
Need help with your existing policy? Call us on our toll-free no. for quick response!
ABSLI Salaried Term Plan (UIN:109N141V03) is a non-linked non-participating individual pure risk premium life insurance plan; upon Policyholder’s selection of Plan Option 2 (Life Cover with ROP) this product shall be a non-linked non-participating individual savings life insurance plan.
*LI Age 21, Male, Non Smoker, Option 1: Life Cover, PPT: Regular Pay, SA: ₹ 1 Cr., PT: 10 years, Annual Premium: ₹ 6100/- ( which is ₹ 508.33/month) Premium exclusive of GST. On death, 1 Cr SA is paid and the policy terminates.
Get immediate income payout after 1 day of policy issuance^
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