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Guaranteed returns after a month1.

ABSLI Assured Savings Plan
Guaranteed# Income
Life Cover
Financial security for the family
Lumpsum Benefit at maturity in addition to income
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    ¹- Provided 0 year deferment & monthly income frequency is chosen at the time of inception of the policy.

Savings Plan

What is a Savings Plan?

A savings plan is a financial strategy that helps individuals allocate a portion of their income towards saving money for future needs or emergencies. It typically involves setting aside a fixed amount regularly, such as monthly or annually, into a designated savings account or investment product. Savings plans can vary widely, ranging from simple bank savings accounts to more structured financial instruments like fixed deposits, recurring deposits, or even systematic investment plans (SIPs) in mutual funds.

Who Should Invest in a Savings Plan?

Investing in a savings plan is beneficial for virtually anyone who earns an income, regardless of the amount. Specific groups who might find it especially beneficial include:

Young Professionals
Starting early can take advantage of compound interest, significantly increasing the value of their savings over time.
Parents or guardians can use savings plans to accumulate funds for their children’s education, marriage, or to purchase a family home.
Those nearing or in retirement can benefit from savings plans that offer stable returns and help manage living expenses in the absence of regular income.
Business Owners
They often face fluctuating incomes and can use structured savings plans to manage cash flow effectively and save for lean periods.

In essence, anyone with financial goals or the need for financial security should consider integrating a savings plan into their financial strategy to ensure they are well-prepared for the future.

Why Do You Need a Savings Plan?

Having a savings plan is essential for several reasons:

Financial Security
A robust savings plan provides a safety net in times of unexpected expenses, such as medical emergencies or sudden loss of income, ensuring that you are financially protected.
Achieving Financial Goals
Whether it's buying a home, funding education, or planning a wedding, specific financial goals require substantial funds. A savings plan helps you systematically accumulate the necessary capital over time without resorting to last-minute loans or debt.
Peace of Mind
Knowing you have money set aside can significantly reduce stress and anxiety about the future. It ensures you are prepared for any financial challenges that may arise.
Building Wealth
Over time, a savings plan can help build substantial wealth, especially if it involves investment components that yield returns, thus growing your initial savings further.

A well-structured savings plan is not just about storing away money; it's a proactive approach to managing your finances effectively, ensuring long-term stability and peace of mind.
Our Savings Plans
ABSLI Assured FlexiSavings Plan
ABSLI Nishchit Aayush Plan
ABSLI Assured Income Plus
Guaranteed# Income
ABSLI Assured Income Plus
Lumpsum Benefit at policy maturity, in addition to Income
ABSLI Assured Income Plus
Life Cover across policy term
₹34.27 lakhs²
₹10K/month for 10 years
ABSLI Assured Savings Plan
ABSLI Assured Savings Plan
Life insurance cover with guaranteed# benefits
ABSLI Assured Savings Plan Benefit
Receive Loyalty Additions
ABSLI Assured Savings Plan Benefit
Guaranteed# returns
ABSLI Assured Savings Plan Benefit
Comprehensive life cover
ABSLI Assured Savings Plan Benefit
Cover spouse in same policy
Rs.₹5.72 lakhs³
Rs .₹5,000/-
monthly for 6 years:
ABSLI Assured Income Plus
ABSLI Assured Income Plus
Short term investment with long term guaranteed² returns.
ABSLI Assured Income Plus
Flexibility to choose Income Benefit
ABSLI Assured Income Plus
Loyalty Additions
ABSLI Assured Income Plus
Long-term regular income
ABSLI Assured Income Plus
Guaranteed# Lumpsum Benefit
Get Guaranteed# benefit:
₹46.20 lakhs⁴
Give for 12 yrs:
ABSLI Assured Income Plus
ABSLI SecurePlus Plan
Secure your life with a second income
ABSLI SecurePlus Plan
Guaranteed# Income
ABSLI SecurePlus Plan
Loyalty Additions
ABSLI SecurePlus Plan
Second Income
ABSLI SecurePlus Plan
Maturity Benefit
₹1.95 lakh/year for 6 years⁵
₹50 K/year for 12 years
ABSLI Fixed Maturity Plan
ABSLI Fixed Maturity Plan
Get Guaranteed# Returns + Life Cover
ABSLI Fixed Maturity Plan
Guaranteed# Maturity
ABSLI Fixed Maturity Plan
Tax Benefits⁴
ABSLI Fixed Maturity Plan
Single Premium
ABSLI Fixed Maturity Plan
Life Cover
₹1.83 lakhs⁶
ABSLI Assured FlexiSavings Plan
ABSLI Nishchit Laabh Plan
A non-linked non-participating individual life insurance savings plan
Guaranteed# Lumpsum Benefit
Moneyback Option
3 plan options
Loyalty additions
Get Guaranteed# Benefit:
₹11 lakhs⁷
₹50000/year for 8 years
ABSLI Assured Income Plus
ABSLI Guaranteed Milestone Plan
Life cover and fully Guaranteed# lump sum benefits
ABSLI Guaranteed Milestone Plan
Life cover
ABSLI Guaranteed Milestone Plan
Guaranteed# additions
ABSLI Guaranteed Milestone Plan
Sum assured of 15X annualized premium.
ABSLI Guaranteed Milestone Plan
Cover your spouse
Rs.1,23,696/- as maturity benefit⁸
Rs.15000/- for 6 yrs
ABSLI Assured FlexiSavings Plan
ABSLI Assured FlexiSavings Plan
Guaranteed# returns plus flexible withdrawals.
ABSLI Assured Income Plus
Assured Savings
ABSLI Assured Income Plus
5% Income Booster
ABSLI Assured Income Plus
Loyalty Additions
ABSLI Assured Income Plus
Additional benefit on total premium
Rs.4.88 lakhs⁹
Rs.50,000 for 5 years
ABSLI Savings Plan
ABSLI Savings Plan
Financial Protection and Secured Growth
ABSLI Savings Plan
Guaranteed# Additions
ABSLI Savings Plan
Regular Bonus
ABSLI Savings Plan
Flexible-Premium Paying Term
ABSLI Savings Plan
Flexibility to Choose Policy Terms
Show All

Key Features of a Savings Plan

Savings plans are designed to encourage regular saving habits and provide financial security. Here are some key features that characterize a good savings plan:

Regular Deposits
Most savings plans require regular deposits, either monthly, quarterly, or annually, promoting disciplined saving habits.
Compounding Interest
Many savings plans offer compounding interest, where the interest earned itself earns additional interest over time, potentially increasing the total return on the savings.
Tax Benefits*
Certain savings plans, like Public Provident Fund (PPF) or certain life insurance savings plans, offer tax benefits* under sections of the Income Tax Act, which can provide additional financial advantages.
Some savings plans offer flexibility in terms of deposit amounts and the frequency of contributions, making it easier for savers to adjust their saving habits based on their financial situation.
While some plans, like fixed deposits, may have restrictions on withdrawals, others may offer better liquidity, allowing savers to access their funds when needed.
Savings plans often provide a safe investment avenue as they are not exposed to high market volatility, and in many cases, are backed by reputable financial institutions or government guarantees.
Goal Orientation
Many plans are geared towards helping savers achieve specific financial goals, such as saving for retirement, education, or purchasing a home.

Types of Savings Plans

Savings plans come in various forms, each suited to different financial needs and goals. Here are some common types of savings plans available:

Regular Savings Account
A basic banking service where you can deposit money and earn interest. These accounts offer liquidity and are best for short-term savings.
Fixed Deposits (FDs)
Offer a higher interest rate than regular savings accounts. Money is deposited for a fixed term, and withdrawing funds before maturity can incur penalties.
Recurring Deposits (RDs)
Similar to FDs, but you deposit a fixed amount regularly (usually monthly). This is ideal for individuals who earn a regular income and want to save a portion every month.
Public Provident Fund (PPF)
A long-term savings scheme backed by the Government of India, offering tax benefits*. It has a maturity period of 15 years, extendable in 5-year blocks, and is ideal for risk-averse investors looking for stable returns.
Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs)
While technically an investment rather than a savings plan, SIPs in mutual funds allow you to invest a fixed amount regularly. This can be a part of a savings strategy, particularly for long-term financial goals.
Life Insurance Savings Plans
These are savings plans combined with life insurance cover, such as those offered by ABSLI. They not only help in saving money but also provide financial protection to your family in case of unforeseen events.

How Does a Savings Plan Work?

A savings plan functions by setting aside a specific amount of money on a regular basis into a chosen financial instrument, where it can either earn interest or grow in value through investment gains. Here’s a breakdown of how a typical savings plan operates:

Setting Goals
Determine what you are saving for, whether it's retirement, education, a major purchase, or an emergency fund.
Choosing the Right Plan
Select the type of savings plan that best suits your financial goals, risk tolerance, and time horizon. This could be a regular savings account, fixed deposit, or a more growth-oriented plan like mutual funds.
Regular Contributions
Make regular deposits into your savings plan, often set up as automatic deductions from your bank account. This discipline is crucial for building your savings over time.
Compounding: Over time
The money in your savings plan earns interest or investment returns, which are reinvested to generate their own returns. This compounding effect accelerates the growth of your savings.
Monitoring and Adjustments
Regularly review your savings plan to ensure it remains aligned with your financial goals and market conditions. Adjustments may be needed based on life changes or financial performance.

Eligibility Criteria for Buying Savings Plan

When considering purchasing a savings plan, various factors determine your eligibility. Here are the general criteria most financial institutions, including ABSLI, consider:

The minimum and maximum age for purchasing a savings plan can vary. Typically, individuals can start investing from as young as 18 years old, and the upper limit might go up to 60 years or more, depending on the specifics of the plan.
Some savings plans may have a minimum income requirement to ensure that the policyholder can maintain regular premium payments without financial strain.
Health Status
For savings plans that include life insurance coverage, your current health and medical history might be assessed. This could influence the terms of the plan or the premium amounts.
Financial History
A clean financial history, including a good credit score and no history of bankruptcy, might be required, as it indicates financial responsibility and stability.
Residential Status
You typically need to be a resident of the country where the financial institution operates. For instance, ABSLI may require policyholders to be residents of India for certain products.
Purpose of the Investment
The intended purpose for the savings might also be considered to align with specific product offerings that best meet the policyholder's goals.

Documents Required for Buying Savings Plan

The documentation required for buying the best saving scheme can vary depending on the type of plan and the financial institution offering it. However, some common documents are generally required across most savings plans:

1. Identity Proof: You need to submit a valid identity proof document, such as:
• PAN Card
• Aadhaar Card
• Passport
• Voter ID Card
• Driving License

2. Address Proof: You must provide a document that verifies your current address, such as:
• PAN Card
• Aadhaar Card
• Passport
• Voter ID Card
• Driving License
• Utility bills (electricity, water, or gas) not older than 3 months
• Bank statement or passbook with the current address
• Recent Photograph: You may need to submit a recent passport-sized photograph for identity verification and record purposes.

3. Income Proof: Some savings plans may require proof of your income, such as:
• Salary slips for the last 3 months
• Income Tax Returns (ITR) for the last 2-3 years
• Bank statements for the last 6 months
• Form 16

4. Age Proof: To verify your age, you may need to submit a document like:
• Birth Certificate
• PAN Card
• Aadhaar Card
• Passport
• School or college leaving certificate

5. Completed Application Form: You need to fill out and submit an application form providing essential details, such as your name, contact information, nominee details, and investment preferences.

6. KYC Form: As part of the Know Your Customer (KYC) process, you may be required to complete a KYC form providing personal and financial details.

7. Plan-specific Documents: Depending on the type of savings plan, there may be additional documentation required, such as a medical examination report for life insurance savings plans.

What is the Complete Savings Plan Claim Process?

The claim process for a savings plan can vary depending on the type of plan and the financial institution offering it. However, the general process typically involves the following steps:

Step 1: Initiate the claim: Notify the insurance company or financial institution about the claim event as soon as possible. You can do this by contacting the company's customer service helpline, visiting their branch office, or using their online claim notification service.

Step 2: Gather required documents: Collect all the necessary documents required for filing the claim. These may include the original policy document, identity proof, address proof, death certificate (in case of death claims), and any other documents specific to the claim event.

Step 3: Submit claim form and documents: Fill out the claim form, providing accurate and complete information. Submit the completed claim form along with the required documents to the insurance company or financial institution, either in person or through their online submission process.

Step 4: Claim assessment: The company will assess the claim based on the submitted documents and information. They may ask for additional documents or clarification if required.

Step 5: Claim approval and payment: If the claim is approved, the insurance company or financial institution will process the payment and disburse the claim amount to the nominee or policyholder, as applicable.

Steps to Buy Savings Plan Online at ABSLI

Buying a savings plan online from Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance (ABSLI) is convenient and can be done in a few simple steps:

Visit the ABSLI website:
Start by visiting the official ABSLI website. This platform provides detailed information about the different savings plans available.
Choose a Savings Plan
Browse through the various savings plans offered and select one that best suits your financial goals and needs. Detailed product brochures are available for each plan, which provide comprehensive information including benefits, premiums, terms, and conditions.
Calculate Premiums
Use the online calculators available on the ABSLI website to estimate the premiums for the chosen savings plan based on your age, income, investment amount, and other factors.
Fill Out the Application Form
Complete the online application form by providing personal information, financial details, and any other required information. Ensure that all the information is accurate to prevent any issues during the claim or policy management process.
Submit Necessary Documents
Upload the required documents such as identity proof, address proof, income proof, and any other relevant documents directly on the website. 6. Make Payment: Pay the initial premium online through secure payment options available on the ABSLI website. Payment methods typically include net banking, credit/debit cards, or mobile wallets.
Make the payment:
After submitting the application form, you'll be redirected to the payment gateway. Choose your preferred payment method, such as credit card, debit card, net banking, or UPI, and complete the payment for the first premium.
Policy Issuance
Once the payment is processed and the application is approved, ABSLI will issue the policy. The policy document will be sent to you electronically or can be downloaded directly from the website.
By following these steps, you can conveniently purchase a savings plan from ABSLI, helping you secure your financial future directly from the comfort of your home.

What are the Riders for Savings Plans?

Riders^ are additional benefits that can be attached to a primary savings or insurance policy to enhance the coverage and tailor it to specific needs. These optional benefits come at an extra cost but offer increased protection and financial security. Here are some common riders that can be added to savings plans:

Assistance to buy endowment plans online

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Saving insurance plans, such as those offered by ABSLI, often come with tax benefits* under the Indian Income Tax Act. Premiums paid towards these plans can be eligible for tax deduction under Section 80C, up to a limit of ₹1.5 lakh per annum. Additionally, the proceeds (maturity benefits or death benefits) from these plans are generally tax-free under Section 10(10D)**, provided certain conditions are met. This makes them an attractive option for tax-saving as well as long-term financial planning.
The choice between long-term and short-term saving investments depends on your financial goals and liquidity needs. If you have a long-term goal like retirement or buying a home, then long-term investments, which usually offer higher returns through compounding, are suitable. For short-term goals, such as creating an emergency fund or saving for a vacation, short-term investments that provide quick access to your money and lower risk are preferable.
Some of the best saving schemes with relatively high-interest rates include Fixed Deposits (FDs), Recurring Deposits (RDs), Public Provident Funds (PPF), and National Savings Certificates (NSC). Each of these schemes offers different benefits in terms of interest rates, tax savings, and investment tenure. Choosing the right scheme depends on your risk tolerance, investment horizon, and specific financial goals.
The amount an average person has in savings can vary widely based on factors like age, income level, and geographical location. In India, savings rates are influenced by cultural attitudes towards saving and financial security. However, it's generally recommended that individuals strive to save at least 20% of their monthly income, though this can vary based on personal circumstances and financial obligations.
To start saving money effectively for 2024, begin by setting clear, achievable financial goals. Create a detailed budget to manage your income and expenses, and identify areas where you can cut costs. Consider automating your savings to ensure you consistently set aside a portion of your income. Explore various saving tools and accounts that offer competitive interest rates to maximize your savings potential. Additionally, stay informed about economic trends and adjust your saving strategies accordingly to stay on track with your financial goals.

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    # Provided all due premiums are paid.
    ^There are exclusions attached to the riders. Please refer rider brochure for more details
    ² Male- 25 yrs invests in ABSLI Nishchit Aayush Plan with Level Income + Lumpsum Benefit. He chooses premium payment term 10 yrs , policy term 40 years, benefit option -Long Term Income, Sum Assured 7 times of Annualized Premium and Deferment Period 0 years. Annualized Premium is ₹1,20,000 (Exclusive of GST.). Annual Income of ₹43,680 (43,680*40= 17,47,200) + Maturity Benefit (₹16,80,000)= ₹ 34,27,200
    ³ Assured Savings Plan :Scenario: Healthy female age 21, investment for 6 years, maturity benefit after 12 years, payment frequency monthly, Sum Assured Rs.8,34,000 lakhs, monthly investment Rs.5000/-. You give Rs.3.60 lakhs and get Rs.5,72,760/-.
    ⁴ Scenario: Healthy male age 21 years, premium paying term 12 years, policy term 13 years, benefit payout period 20 years, payment frequency annually, Assured Benefit Option: Income with Lumpsum Benefit, Sum Assured Rs.16.68 lakhs, Premium Rs.1.2 lakhs/ year- excluding GST), you get Rs.46.20 lakhs by age 54
    ⁵ ABSLI SecurePlus Plan, Healthy male age: 21 years. Premium Payment Term 12 years, Annual Premium Rs.50,000/-,policy term 15 years, Payment Frequency: Annually, benefit payout period: 6 years, Get Income Benefit of Rs.1,30,600/- +Loyalty Additions of Rs.65,300= Regular Income of Rs.1,95,900 p.a for 6 years.
    ⁶ ABSLI Fixed Maturity Plan: Scenario: Rs. 1,00,000 Single Premium (exclusive of GST), Male, Age 32, Plan Option A, Policy Term : 10 years. Maturity Benefit: ₹183,050.
    ⁷ ABSLI Nishchit Laabh Plan, Policy holder age :35 years chooses endowment option and pays annualized premium of INR 50,000. He chooses PPT – 8 yrs, PT – 25 yrs. He receives Guaranteed# lumpsum benefit of ₹ 7,00,000 and loyalty addition of ₹4,00,000.
    ⁸ ABSLI Guaranteed Milestone Plan, healthy male, age 21, premium payment term 6 years, premium of Rs.15000/- for 6 years, maturity benefit of Rs.1,23,696/- at the end of policy term of 12 years, a life cover of Rs.2.25 lakhs.
    ⁹ ABSLI Assured FlexiSavings Plan, healthy male, age 21 years, premium paying term 5 years, policy term 15 years, Annual Premium Rs.50,000 (Rs.2,50,000/-), Get Rs.2,75,000 as enhanced Return of premium on maturity, Get Rs.42,613 as loyalty additions, Income Booster 5%.
    ABSLI Nishchit Aayush is a non-linked non-participating individual savings life insurance plan (UIN: 109N137V07)
    ABSLI Fixed Maturity Plan is a Non- Linked Non- Participating Individual Savings Life Insurance Plan (UIN: 109N135V04)
    ABSLI Assured Savings Plan Non-Linked Non-Participating Individual Savings Life Insurance Plan (UIN: 109N134V09).
    ABSLI Assured Income Plus Plan is a Non-Linked Non-Participating Individual Savings Life Insurance Plan (UIN: 109N127V14).
    ABSLI Nishchit Laabh Plan (UIN: 109N150V02) is a non-linked non-participating individual savings life insurance plan
    ABSLI Secure Plus Plan is a non-linked non-participating individual life insurance savings plan (UIN:109N102V10).
    ABSLI Guaranteed Milestone Plan is a non-participating traditional insurance plan (UIN: 109N106V11)
    ABSLI Assured Flexi-Savings plan is a non-linked non-participating individual life insurance savings plan (UIN: 109N126V03).
    ABSLI Savings Plan is a non-linked participating life insurance endowment plan (UIN: 109N088V02). Some benefits are guaranteed#, and some benefits are variable with bonuses based on the future performance of the participating business and economic conditions.